If you are pregnant you can register online for your first midwife appointment.
Please visit to arrange this. If you are unable to register online you can also call on 0141 347 8422
The link for women to self-refer online from the website is: Self-Referring to Maternity services- NHSGGC
Further information about Glasgow’s maternity services can be accessed at Maternity Hospitals And Units – NHSGGC
If you are unsure that you wish to proceed with your pregnancy you can contact the Sandyford Clinic to discuss the options available to you. Their contact number is 0141 211 8620. Abortion (
Blood Tests
A phlebotomy clinic has been set up at the Community Centre for Health, 547 Dumbarton Road, G11 6HU. The service will be available Monday to Friday from 8.30 am to 4.30 pm (excluding Public Holidays). The number to call is: 0141 355-1525. Once we have requested the blood tests for you, you can contact them to make an appointment. You will be asked your name, address and CHI number (please contact reception for details).
We are able to treat viral warts of the hands and some other minor skin lesions by freezing with liquid nitrogen. However, we would always recommend that if you have a viral wart or verruca your first course of action should be to try and appropriate topical wart paint or cream over the counter from your local pharmacy. If in doubt, please consult the doctor or practice nurse in the first instance
Children’s Services
The baby clinics are run by Health Visitors and take place at The Community Centre for Health in Partick. They include developmental and health checks for infants and young children and all routine childhood vaccinations.
All vaccinations are now undertaken at the Community Centre for Health and at other community vaccination centres
Travel Vaccinations
Information regarding necessary pre-travel vaccinations/recommendations can be accessed at Home – Fit for Travel
To arrange vaccinations please call 0141 8161002 or email [email protected]
Sexual Health/Family Planning
Assessment, advice and support is available in practice from our doctors and nursing staff. There is also a specialist Sexual Health and Family Planning Clinic in Glasgow – this is called the Sandyford Clinic. It can be accessed directly and confidentially via telephone 0141 211 8130 or website – Sandyford . Services include
- Sexual Health screening
- Contraception advice including emergency contraception and coil insertion
- Termination of pregnancy
- PrEP
- Counselling
- Sexual Assault and Rape support (Archway)
- Vasectomy
- Gender services
Youth Health Service
This is a dedicated service to cater for the needs of young people. They can offer support with a wide variety of issues. You can call to arrange an appointment on 0141 451 2727
Glasgow City Youth Health Service – NHSGGC
- Sexual Health
- Alcohol and Drugs
- Mental Health
- Weight
- Employability
- Risky Behaviour
- Relationships
- Other issues such as housing and money worries
Addictions Support
This is provided via the local Community Addictions Team. It is possible to contact this team directly on 0141 2764330. They can provide advice and support with drug and alcohol addiction. You can also make a GP appointment to discuss your concerns
Test Results
Please call between 11am and 3.30pm to enquire about your test results as our reception staff will have more time to deal with your request between these times.
Note that the practice has a strict policy regarding confidentiality and data protection and we will only release test results to the person to whom they relate unless that person has given prior permission for the release of this data or they are not capable of understanding the results.
When you take your test you will be told how long it will be before the results are returned to the practice.
It is your responsibility to check your results and to make an appointment to discuss them with your doctor if your are advised to do so.
General Medical Services as per GMS 2004 regulations amended 01/04/2006. For more information see
Nursing Services
Medication + Regular Clinical Review
Periodically you will receive a note with your prescription to attend the doctor or nurse prior to the next script issue. You will also be contacted by reception to book in for a review of any chronic conditions that you may have. This is to review your medical condition(s) and relevant medication. If you receive a note or a call, please contact reception to arrange the review appointment.
Practice Nursing Services
- Contraceptive monitoring
- Cervical screening
- Lifestyle advice – weight reduction, smoking cessation, etc
- Pre-pregnancy advice and planning guidance
- Adult vaccinations are now done out-with the Practice- speak to reception for more information
- Advice by telephone
- Sutures/stitch removal – (Patients may be directed to Treatment Rooms in the Community)
Nurse Appointments for Chronic Disease Management
The practice nursing staff undertake routine monitoring of the following conditions:
- High blood pressure (hypertension)
- Heart / stroke disease
- Diabetes
- Thyroid
- Epilepsy
- Asthma + chronic lung disease (COPD)
Patients with these conditions will be invited to attend at agreed intervals for clinical review
District Nursing Service
This services is provided by Sister Barbara O’Brien and Staff Nurse Lorraine Barret. They can be contacted by telephone on 0141 211 1404. The following services are provided:
- Telephone / personal assessment for complex care needs
- Palliative and terminal nursing care
- Wound + leg ulcer assessment and management
- Supervision of health care assistants
- Assessment for nursing equipment
- Rehabilitation – promoting self care and independence
- Non-NHS Services
A fee may be charged for non-NHS services such as private medical certificates, insurance claim forms, etc. Fees are in accordance with nationally-agreed (BMA) rates. Please ask at reception for more information.